Weekly Warrior

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Awarded for logging in 7 days in a row

28 users have earned this Consistency

7 Steps

  1. Logged in for day 1 of 7 days in a row
  2. Logged in for day 2 of 7 days in a row
  3. Logged in for day 3 of 7 days in a row
  4. Logged in for day 4 of 7 days in a row
  5. Logged in for day 5 of 7 days in a row
  6. Logged in for day 6 of 7 days in a row
  7. Logged in for day 7 of 7 days in a row

People who have earned this:

  • Profile photo of maxalight
  • Profile photo of Olson
  • Profile photo of Innova
  • Profile photo of Roxel
  • Profile photo of Photon
  • Profile photo of popo
  • Profile photo of Grippe
  • Profile photo of Nexus
  • Profile photo of Jerrola
  • Profile photo of Kiera
  • Profile photo of SolarVoyager
  • Profile photo of Lumin
  • Profile photo of ElvenMage
  • Profile photo of Keldan
  • Profile photo of Laziath
  • Profile photo of TenTon
  • Profile photo of Tirlant
  • Profile photo of PaladinOfLight
  • Profile photo of Riovar
  • Profile photo of MysticMonkMoves
  • Profile photo of Farron
  • Profile photo of Jubael
  • Profile photo of Arannis
  • Profile photo of LoreLass
  • Profile photo of Xamira