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  • How Does Automatic Equalization Charging Work on the MultiPlus-II 230V?

    Posted by Innova on January 16, 2024 at 8:03 am

    I’m using OPzS batteries with my MultiPlus-II 230V and I’ve read about the automatic equalization charging feature. Can you explain what this feature does and why it’s important for certain types of batteries like mine?

    Riovar replied 5 months, 2 weeks ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Riovar

    January 16, 2024 at 12:00 pm

    Automatic equalization charging is a critical feature for maintaining the health and longevity of certain types of batteries, particularly flooded tubular plate traction batteries and OPzS batteries. This feature kicks in during the absorption phase of the charging cycle.

    Here’s what happens during automatic equalization:

    Once the bulk phase is complete and the charger has moved to the absorption phase, it will monitor the current going into the battery. When this current drops to less than 10% of the maximum charge current set for the battery, the charger will then increase the charging voltage to 2.83 volts per cell. For a 24V battery system, this equates to a voltage of approximately 34 volts.

    This elevated voltage level during the equalization phase helps to balance the charge across all the cells within the battery, equalizing the state of charge. It’s particularly beneficial for flooded lead-acid batteries where slight differences in voltage across cells can occur over time.

    By periodically equalizing the cells, it ensures each cell is brought up to the same voltage, which helps in correcting the electrolyte imbalances and reducing sulfation, a common issue that can shorten battery life.

    It’s important to note that automatic equalization is not something you can adjust with DIP switches. Instead, you’d use the VEConfigure software to set up the ‘tubular plate traction battery charge curve’ which is designed to manage this process correctly.

    Always ensure you’re following the specific instructions for your battery type to avoid overcharging or damage. This feature underscores the importance of precise charging strategies tailored to the specific needs of advanced battery technologies used in today’s energy systems.

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