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  • Inverter Float mode only for Lead Acid vs LiFePO4 batteries?

    Posted by Garrit on January 14, 2024 at 8:03 pm

    I have read that Float mode when charging batteries is more designed in terms of Lead Acid batteries compared to LiFePO4 batteries. How true is this?

    SolarVoyager replied 5 months, 2 weeks ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • SolarVoyager

    January 15, 2024 at 4:59 am

    The term “float mode” generally applies to lead-acid batteries, as it refers to a specific charging stage designed to maintain their long-term health and prevent overcharging. However, the concept of maintaining optimal voltage for battery longevity holds true for many battery types, including lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) batteries.

    For LiFePO4 batteries, a similar concept exists called “storage voltage” or “maintenance voltage.” This refers to the ideal voltage at which to keep the battery when it’s not in use for extended periods to maximize its lifespan and prevent unnecessary degradation. While the specific voltage range might differ slightly from lead-acid batteries, the purpose remains the same – to maintain a stable and optimal voltage for long-term storage.

    Here’s a breakdown of the differences:

    Lead-acid batteries:

    • Float mode typically involves a slightly reduced voltage compared to the bulk charging stage, typically around 13.2V to 13.8V.

    • The main purpose is to prevent gassing and sulfation, which can damage the battery over time.

    • Keeping the battery in float mode indefinitely is generally safe and recommended for long-term storage.

    LiFePO4 batteries:

    • Storage voltage usually falls within a narrower range, often between 3.3V and 3.4V per cell.

    • Maintaining this voltage minimizes internal resistance growth and preserves the battery’s life for extended storage periods.

    • While storing at storage voltage is ideal, keeping the battery fully charged (around 3.6 volts per cell) for short periods is usually acceptable.

    Remember, specific voltage ranges and charging protocols can vary depending on the specific battery model and manufacturer’s recommendations. Always consult your battery’s manual or datasheet for the most accurate information.

    In summary:

    While the term “float mode” specifically applies to lead-acid batteries, the concept of maintaining optimal voltage for long-term storage is relevant to LiFePO4 batteries as well.

    LiFePO4 batteries have a different ideal storage voltage range compared to lead-acid batteries.

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