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  • Multiplus II “Active AC Input” is Disconnected – Batteries not charging

    Posted by Garrit on December 1, 2023 at 2:39 am

    In the settings of my Victron Multiplus II, the “Active AC Input” is saying that its “Disconnected”, where I know it should be saying “AC-IN1” when its receiving AC input from the grid, which is causing my batteries not to charge.

    My “AC-In L1” is however seeing a voltage (230v) and a frequency (50hz), but there is no current or watts (both showing 0).

    I have checked that:

    • “AC Input 1 ignored” is set to “No” in the “MPII > Advanced” settings page.
    • “Switch” is set to “On” in MPII settings page.
    • “AC input 1” is set to “Grid” in “Cerbo Settings > System Setup” page.
    • “Battery Monitor” is set correctly in “Cerbo Settings > System Setup” page.
    • Have triple checked all cables and polarities, as well as with a multi-meter. Everything is correct

    Unsure of where to go from here. Could anyone please help. Thank you.

    TenTon replied 7 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • TenTon

    December 1, 2023 at 4:57 am

    Looks like your inverter’s high cut off voltages are set too low, causing the inverter disconnect too soon.

    Use the MK3 USB dongle to connect to the Multiplus II using a Windows computer or laptop. Once done, connect launch the Victron Connect app on your computer and you should see the Multiplus II as a VE.Bus device like you would the Cerbo.

    Click on that and you will see all the settings specific to the MPII which has a blue background and white text.

    (NOTE: This is similar to using the VE Config Tools program that you can also find a, so you can use either method, but ill continue with the Victron Connect App method.)

    Ok now you need to configure the settings, so click the cog icon and it will ask you for a password, which is “ZZZ”. This might give you a warning, just accept.

    Once inside the settings, go to the “Grid” settings tab. Here you can set the Voltage HIGH and LOW disconnect and reconnect voltages.

    My grid’s base voltage is 230v, so I set the:

    • “AC low voltage disconnect to 210v (230v – 20v) and the “AC low voltage connect” to 230v for it to reconnect to should it ever disconnect.
    • “AC high voltage disconnect to 250v (230v + 20v) and the “AC high voltage connect” to 230v for it to reconnect to should it ever disconnect.

    I once mistakenly swapped my AC high and reconnect voltages around, setting the disconnect to 230V instead of 250v, therefore it constantly disconnected (as this is my grid’s base voltage), therefore it never passed this voltage and wouldn’t activate AC-IN 1, which i think is the issue you are experiencing.

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