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  • What Can I Do with the Aux Ports on My Victron MP II?

    Posted by Laziath on January 12, 2024 at 5:33 pm

    I’ve got a Victron MultiPlus II and I see it’s got these Aux in 1 and Aux in 2 ports. What are some cool things I can do with them? For example, how would they work if I wanted to hook them up to my lithium-ion battery’s BMS?

    Keldan replied 5 months, 3 weeks ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Keldan

    January 12, 2024 at 6:09 pm

    Those Aux ports on your Victron MP II are pretty handy for a bunch of things.

    Let’s say you’ve got a lithium-ion battery with its own Battery Management System (BMS). You can hook up the BMS to one of these ports. What happens next is pretty neat – your Victron MP II starts getting all this info from the BMS, like how much charge your battery has, its temperature, stuff like that.

    This info helps your Victron MP II make smart decisions about charging your battery or when to use its power. It’s like having a conversation between your battery’s brain (the BMS) and the Victron MP II, so everything works smoother and more efficiently.

    And it’s not just about batteries.

    You can get creative with these ports. Think of controlling other gadgets in your system, checking up on how things are running, or even setting up some custom alerts. It’s like giving your Victron MP II some extra tools to work with, making it do more than just converting and charging power.

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