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  • Riovar

    January 16, 2024 at 11:29 am

    With Forced Absorption mode activated on the MultiPlus-II, the charger initially lights up the ‘absorption’ LED, signaling its entry into this specific charging phase. In this mode, the system maintains the battery at the absorption voltage for a predetermined time.

    This functionality is particularly advantageous for batteries recovering from deep discharge or when they need conditioning, as it ensures a prolonged and stable charge.

    The charger adheres to this set absorption time, making it different from regular charging, where the absorption phase duration varies according to the battery’s instantaneous needs.

    This mode is important to achieving an optimal charge, enhancing battery health and longevity.

  • maxalight

    January 16, 2024 at 3:05 pm

    The Forced Absorption mode in the MultiPlus-II is a targeted charging setting that allows for a more controlled and prolonged charging phase at the absorption voltage level.

    This mode is particularly beneficial in scenarios where the battery requires an extended period of charging at a stable voltage, such as after deep discharges or when conditioning new batteries.

    In this mode, the MultiPlus-II maintains the battery at the absorption voltage, which is a predetermined level optimal for the specific battery type being used.

    The charger ensures that this voltage is held steady for a set maximum absorption time, as configured by the user. This approach aids in achieving a more comprehensive charge cycle, ensuring the battery reaches its peak capacity. The ‘absorption’ LED indicator on the MultiPlus-II illuminates to signify that the unit is operating in Forced Absorption mode.

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