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  • What is ‘Repeated Absorption Time’ setting in VictronConnect using Multiplus-II?

    Posted by Riovar on January 24, 2024 at 6:05 am

    I’ve come across a setting titled ‘Repeated Absorption Time’ in my VictronConnect app under the ‘Charger’ section. How should I use this setting, and what does it mean for the battery charging process?

    Olson replied 5 months, 1 week ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Olson

    January 24, 2024 at 6:48 am

    The ‘Repeated Absorption Time’ setting in the VictronConnect app’s ‘Charger’ section refers to the duration for which your MultiPlus inverter/charger will hold the battery at the absorption voltage during a repeated absorption phase.


    • This setting effectively determines how long the charger will apply the absorption voltage to “top off” the battery’s charge during these periodic maintenance charges. The goal is to ensure that the battery gets fully charged without overcharging.

    Setting the Duration:

    • The appropriate duration for the repeated absorption phase varies depending on your battery type and capacity.

    • A common setting might be around one hour, but this can be adjusted based on your specific needs and the recommendations of your battery manufacturer.

    Usage Tips:

    • Lead-Acid Batteries: For lead-acid batteries, which are prone to sulphation if not kept fully charged, a sufficient repeated absorption time can help maintain the battery health.

    • Manufacturer Guidelines: Always consult the battery’s manual or manufacturer for advice on repeated absorption time. They may suggest different durations based on the battery’s size and chemistry.

    • Observation: If you notice that your battery performance is declining, or it’s not maintaining a full charge as expected, you may need to adjust the repeated absorption time.

    • Balancing Act: It’s important not to set the duration too long, as this could lead to overcharging, especially in batteries that are already near full charge. On the other hand, too short a duration may not effectively top off the battery.

    The ‘Repeated Absorption Time’ is a customizable setting that allows you to fine-tune how your system maintains battery charge levels, particularly in applications where the batteries are not cycled daily and may benefit from periodic recharging to maintain optimal performance.

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