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  • SolarVoyager

    January 16, 2024 at 3:18 pm

    The RJ45 sockets on the MultiPlus II, labeled as ‘K’ in the Multiplus-II connection overview, are versatile ports known as VE.Bus ports, and they serve several essential functions:

    Integration with Cerbo GX:

    These RJ45 VE.Bus ports are also how the MultiPlus-II communicates with the Cerbo GX. The Cerbo GX is a central communication center for your Victron energy system, allowing you to monitor and control all connected Victron devices. By connecting your MultiPlus-II to the Cerbo GX using one of these ports, you enable seamless integration with the wider Victron system. This connection is key for comprehensive system monitoring, data logging, and remote system access via the Victron Remote Management (VRM) portal.

    Connecting to a Digital Multi Control Panel:

    One of the primary uses of these RJ45 sockets is to connect your MultiPlus-II to a Digital Multi Control Panel. This panel allows you to remotely control and monitor your MultiPlus-II, offering advanced functionality. It’s a great way to manage your system settings without having to physically interact with the unit itself.

    Linking Multiple Units for Parallel or Three-Phase Systems:

    The RJ45 sockets are also used for linking multiple MultiPlus-II units together. This is required for creating parallel or three-phase power systems, ensuring synchronization and effective communication between the units for coordinated inverting and charging.

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