Tavern Patron

DND Town Social Community Forum for all things RPG and Fantasy - Rank - Inn Initiate copy

After some sleep, curiosity leads you to the lively tavern next door. Laughter and music spill out into the night as you enter. The barkeep, a robust man with a hearty laugh, serves you a local brew. Around you, patrons share stories of their exploits, and you find yourself drawn into a game of cards with some friendly faces. The night wears on, filled with jests and camaraderie, and you realize that you’ve become not just a guest but a part of this vibrant community.

1 Requirement

  • Earn XP to level up to the next Rank

People who have reached this:

  • Profile photo of Arannis
  • Profile photo of Xamira
  • Profile photo of Garrit
  • Profile photo of BluePower.Pro